
Now that we have a process with an input and an output, we can compute the inventory of how much one unit of the products of this process requires. In this trivial example, the assessment engine should tell us thatmy_first_process produces 1 kg of bread by consuming 1 kg of flour.

Notice that a little green triangle has appeared in the gutter (the part with line numbers): .

Click it, and choose "Assess" (we will go into the other options later). A new window opens, with the result:

ItemQuantityUnitflour [kg]
bread from my_first_process{}1.0kg1.0

As expected, it tells us that we need 1 kg of flour to make 1 kg of bread using my_first_process.

Let us build a slightly more complicated system to illustrate how to connect two processes together. We state that 1 kg of flour requires to mill 2 kg of wheat:

process bake {
    products {
        1 kg bread
    inputs {
        1 kg flour

process mill {
    products {
        1 kg flour
    inputs {
        2 kg wheat

Assess the process bake, and look at the line for bread. What happened ?

ItemQuantityUnitwheat [kg]
bread from bake{}1.0kg2.0

This table states that, over all, 1 kg of bread requires 2 kg of wheat.

What happened? Behind the scene, the assessment engine notices that the process bake requires 1 kg of flour, and that there is exactly one process, mill, that produces flour. The engine inferred that the two processes must be connected, and executed the assessment accordingly. You will notice that there are no processes that produce wheat. The product wheat is, what we call, a terminal product. Informally, these terminal entities constitute the boundary of your model.

The new table gives you the inventory of bread in terms of wheat and not flour, since flour is not a terminal product.